Wholesale of dairy production
The company an ARSENAL PRO (group of the companies "White Line"), specialises on bulk deliveries of dairy production: firm cheeses, a butter and dried milk.More than 15 years we import and sell in the Russian market tasty, qualitative and inexpensive Belarus products. All production is certificated and corresponds to Russian standart.The company has an extensive marketing network in many regions of Russia.Wholesales are carried out from a warehouse in Moscow.

Firm cheeses are presented by factories producing cheese of Republics Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Germany, Holland, Ukraine. more in detailed...

The butter is delivered dy the dairy enterprises of republic Belarus. Production of the Belarus manufacturers it a stable choice quality and the state control. Many enterprises are certificated according to international to ISO standards 9000, HAACP. more in detailed...

Dairy production
Dried milk, cottage cheese and casein are presented by the republic Belarus enterprises. more in detailed...
On all questions to you will answer by phone:+7 (495) 507-57-66 or E-mail: arsenalpro@list.ru